Teradata DBC Errorcodes and Description
ErrorCode ErrorText
0 **** ErrMsgs file as of 07:11:26 04/05/2004.
2507 Out of spool space on disk.
2566 Processor nnnn failed to respond
2585 An I/O error on an MLOAD table caused a crash.
2587 Segment overflow -- FastExport request is too complex to process.
2589 Request block is not found.
2606 Bad argument involving %TVMID.%FLDID for LOG function.
2608 Bad argument involving %TVMID.%FLDID for LN function
2610 Internal error: field maintenance error
2627 Internal error: invalid operand for UpCaseOp
2629 Internal error: bad data type for operation.
2648 Internal error: could not find spool header.
2650 Numeric processor operand error.
2669 Outrow reference to source is illegal case (in MoveRow).
2671 Unable to find a source constant (in MoveRow).
2688 Numeric Processor Operand Error.
2690 Zero table length in Unload.
2709 SSSWAIT has timed out.
2711 Inconsistent AMP/PE Vproc count.
2728 Aborted due to a non-valid reference index on %DBID.%TVMID.
2730 Warning: RI is not valid on one or more AMPs.
2732 Warning: Skipping parent key validation in level 3 checking.
2749 Primary and fallback USI counts do not match
2751 Data row out of order.
2770 Data row id referenced by NUSI is on wrong AMP.
2772 NUSI row indexes non existent data row.
2791 Primary and fallback data row checksums do not match.
2793 MLoad MARK DUPLICATE INSERT (dup row)
2810 Internal error: permanent journal error found.
2812 Internal error: invalid record found on transient journal.
2814 Data size exceeds the maximum specified.
2831 No row was found for the event in the Recovery Control Catalog.
2833 Row already exists with different content.
2852 Inconsistent check point records found on Restored journal.
2854 Specified checkpoint row does not exist in Journal table %TVMID.
2871 Missing table header for DBC.DBCInfoTbl, updates bypassed.
2873 Pending operation on DBC.DBCInfoTbl prevented updates.
2875 Task Lock cannot be granted - resource busy
2892 Null value eliminated in set function
2894 The cursor spool row specified is invalid.
2913 A specific-AMP recovery was executed out of order.
2915 The journal for the updated table does not exist
2934 Input is in new row format -- expected old format.
2936 No row was found for Bulk Load delete/update.
2955 Invalid before image on transient journal.
2974 Invalid backup message received.
2976 Message with invalid kind has been received.
2995 Duplicate field in into specification.
2997 Requested field does not exist in row.
3016 Userid, password or account > 30 characters.
3018 RAR response is malformed.
3035 DBC.Sessiontbl is corrupted, session cannot be recovered.
3117 The continue request contains invalid parcels.
3119 Continue request submitted but no response to return.
3136 Internal Error: The request cannot be aborted, session is in-doubt.
3138 Waiting to load in-doubt session information
3140 Request has already been committed
3157 DQM Cache invalid or size exceeded
3159 DQM internal error
3180 Service console programming fault detected.
3220 RCT program fault.
3239 Invalid RepBegin message received.
3241 MDS database does not exist.
3260 The LOGOFF SESSIONS option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL.
3262 The LOCAL CHANGE option must have a value of Y,y,N,n,BLANK or NULL.
3279 There are no more Monitor Sessions available.
3281 Internal Error: Inconsistent Monitor software condition detected.
3283 Internal Error: No free context blocks are available.
3403 Request parcel contains fewer session ids than specified.
3405 Session %VSTR not found or does not have an in-doubt transaction.
3504 Selected non-aggregate values must be part of the associated group.
3506 Internal error: Tree segment contains errors.
3525 The user cannot create or drop a PRIMARY index.
3527 Format string '%VSTR' has combination of numeric, character and GRAPHIC values.
3544 Partial string matching requires character operands.
3546 Default values may not be parameterized.
3548 The user cannot run FastLoad and MLoad at the same time.
3565 Database has tables without After Image Journaling.
3567 Deleting database 'DBC' is not allowed.
3586 Processor specification error(too many or invalid values).
3588 A User may not be assigned a NULL password.
3607 Too many values in a subquery.
3609 Excessively complex set conditional.
3626 Internal error: WITH BY clause contains multiple tables.
3628 Only identical Aggregated Expressions can use the DISTINCT option.
3647 NULL may not be used as the argument for an aggregate function.
3649 Compressed NULL and NOT NULL cannot coexist for column %VSTR.
3668 A table listed in the Dictionary is not present.
3670 '%VSTR' is not a User.
3687 Special characters may not be used in passwords.
3689 END EXPORT statement is valid only if in FastExport Task.
3708 Syntax error, %VSTR should be deleted.
3710 Insufficient memory to parse this request, during %VSTR phase.
3729 Invalid use of non-SQL field definition(s) in ALTER TABLE.
3731 The user must use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL to test for NULL values.
3748 Parcel kind or ordering is invalid.
3750 Illegal Kanji object name %VSTR.
3752 Too many digits in exponent.
3769 Checksum locking modifier must reference the same table as the SELECT statement that follows it.
3771 Illegal expression in WHEN clause of CASE expression.
3790 GRANT/REVOKE LOGON not allowed TO DBC.
3792 Conflicting CASESPECIFIC options.
3809 Column '%VSTR' is ambiguous.
3811 Column '%VSTR' is NOT NULL. Give the column a value.
3813 The positional assignment list has too many values.
3832 A 2PC parcel must not directly follow an Options parcel.
3851 Macro is greater than %VSTR after name expansion.
3853 '%VSTR' is not a table.
3872 Illegal use of an aggregate operation in an UPDATE statement.
3874 No journaling options have been specified.
3891 Check text for check constraint (explicit or derived from partitioning expression) is greater than 8192 characters.
3912 Invalid message kind received.
3914 ABORT request transaction ids do not match.
3933 The Maximum Possible Row Length in the Table is too Large.
3935 Session and/or request number does not match an aborted task.
3954 Non-GRAPHIC data cannot be assigned to column %VSTR.
3956 Improper representation of hexadecimal GRAPHIC data.
3973 Cannot specify multiple constraints in an Alter Table statement.
3975 Table '%VSTR' is an illegal referential constraint target.
3994 Alias name defined should be used instead of table name%VSTR.
3996 Right truncation of string data.
5014 A CI with no DBDs has been found.
5016 The table header passed in memory is invalid.
5033 An invalid first sector number has been detected.
5035 An unexpected FSG error has occurred.
5054 An invalid SRD reference array index was detected.
5056 An unfree (uninitialized) cylinder has been allocated.
5073 The DB returned by IdxUpgradeDB is not the original one.
5075 An invalid DBKOPERATION was specified.
5077 An invalid deltasectors was specified.
5096 Sort attempted to generate an invalid row uniq value.
5115 An attempt was made to generate an invalid row uniq.
5117 dbkmoddbs could not perform the block split indicated by dbkfit.
5136 The CI was unlocked to avoid an undetectable deadlock.
5138 An unexpected error has occurred in a UNIX service routine.
5157 TID: %d %d %d First RID: %d %d %d %d %d Last Partition/Hash: %d %d %d\n
5159 System test forced tpareset\n
5176 The data block checksum is invalid.
5178 The file information block checksum is ' 'invalid.
5300 Foreign Key column '%VSTR' cannot reference itself.
5319 The specified DATABLOCKSIZE value is invalid
5321 Constraint, primary index, or secondary index with the same name '%VSTR' already exists in table.
5338 More than 1,000 volatile tables in current session.
5340 Database name, if specified, must be the login user name for a volatile table.
5342 Table option not allowed for temporary/volatile table.
5361 The compress value must be in the repertoire of the character column.
5363 The default value must be in the repertoire of the character column.
5380 Internal error: Unexpected character Data type.
5382 The word APPLY is not spelled correctly in the Release Mload statement.
5401 Number of fractional digits out of range.
5403 WITH TIME ZONE must follow either TIME or TIMESTAMP.
5420 No triggers exist for table '%VSTR'.
5422 A triggered action statement cannot update the subject table.
5424 A triggered action statement is the wrong kind.
5441 Replicated table status cannot be INITIATED for Define Role statement.
5443 The specified role of a replicated table is either missing or invalid.
5462 No DDL statements will be allowed until MDS is ready to accept them.
5464 Error in Join Index DDL, %VSTR.
5483 Illegal use of Ordered Analytical Function operation in an UPDATE statement.
5485 MLinReg can have only one entry in the order specification list.
5502 The name specified as an argument does not match the corresponding parameter name '%VSTR'.
5523 Invalid MULTITSR parcel received.
5525 LOCKING modifier canot be specified with CALL SQL statement.
5544 The OPTCOST GDO is uninitialized.
5546 Sampleid cannot be nested inside Ordered Analytical and AGGREGATE Functions.
5563 The table specified in the UPSERT statement contains triggers that could be fired.
5565 The UPDATE specified in the UPSERT statement is a complex update.
5584 Data exception: numeric value out of range.
5586 Random not allowed in inserted PI column value.
5605 A NEW_TABLE or OLD_TABLE reference is not allowed to be passed to a macro.
5607 Check output for possible warnings encountered in compiling UDF.
5624 The Branch offset is very long.
5628 Column %FSTR not found in %VSTR.
5645 The value of '%VSTR' supplied is out of range.
5647 Internal erorr: Data dictionary table UDFInfo in inconsistent state.
5666 LOBs are not allowed in indexes.
5687 REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY is not allowed on LOB columns.
5689 LOBs are not allowed to be compared.
5706 Cannot BEGIN QUERY LOGGING for user because ALL rule exists.
5708 Table header size exceeds limit.
5727 Missing the last range end.
5729 Primary index for the table is not partitioned.
5769 The Locator is invalid due to an internal error.
5788 %VSTR currently do not support Identity Columns.
5790 UPSERT on a table with an Identity Column primary index is illegal.
5809 SET keyword in ANSI UPDATE is required.
5811 MINUS of queries is not in Entry Level ANSI.
5828 PRIVILEGES keyword is required in ANSI.
5830 ROLLBACK WORK cannot indicate a condition or return text to user in ANSI.
5832 LOCKING modifier is not ANSI.
5849 INSTEAD OF triggers are not supported.
5851 BEFORE triggers having data changing statements are not supported.
6013 Vproc Number is not defined in the Physical Configuration.
6015 The host number is invalid.
6032 Warning: The number of Amps in a cluster is less than one-half of the Default Cluster value specified.
6034 Incompatible operation with the Vproc type in current config map.
6036 The range is invalid.
6053 Unable to rebuild reference index, needs to be rebuilt.
6114 Message Kind is invalid in the message header.
6135 Reconfig is aborted at a reversible state.
6137 The hash bucket arrays on an AMP are invalid.
6156 Encountered disk error, causing too many Amps down in cluster
6158 Recovery is still active, Reconfig will not run until recovery done
6604 A changed data row was received that whose contents are in error
6606 Not enough space was provided to receive the data into
6665 RSG failed to locate the TD AMP Worker Task's well-known mailbox
6667 Contents of RSG configuration file are incorrect
6705 An illegally formed character string was encountered during translation.
6707 Internal error: A move of overlapping strings was requested of the ISF subsystem.
6766 Syntax error in SDF.
6768 Invalid numeric format.
6770 Invalid CCD value.
7420 An invalid hash bucket has been encountered.
7439 Row references non-existent session.
7441 The date does not correspond to an exiting era.
7443 The length of argument is incorrect.
7460 Cannot continue utility operation on %DBID.%TVMID because system configuration has changed.
7462 Operation not allowed: pending replication copy operation on table %DBID.%TVMID.
7481 Operation with same utility Id and table Id already running.
7483 Warning: RI checks bypassed for Referential Constraints.
7502 A system trap was caused by UDF %DBID.%TVMID for %VSTR
7521 Primary LOB row is on wrong AMP.
7523 Fallback LOB row is in wrong subtable.
7544 Cannot logon utility session.
7563 Source row is deleted while update is in progress.
7565 One or more rows found for table not in DBC.TVM. Deleted.
7624 %FSTR: Invalid message class (%VSTR) encountered.
7626 %FSTR: Invalid (%VSTR) step.
7643 %FSTR: Error Initiating a new task; tskget failed with return code (%VSTR).
7645 %FSTR: Error writing into file; fwrite failed with return code (%VSTR).
7704 The RepPhase1 message indicates fewer RepDDL than already received.
7706 Multiple RepBegTrans received for the same transaction before RepPhase1.
7708 Transaction previously asynchronously aborted. Now transaction aborted with RepPhase1Rsp message.
7725 MDS received more DDL chunks than expected for a transaction.
8011 The LAN message Format field is invalid.
8013 The LAN message MessageLength field is invalid.
8051 No network protocol exist.
8112 Secondary index is not unique.
8114 Update is illegal.
8215 ROLLBACK recovery stopped.
8217 Maximum number of tables exceeded.
8234 Duplicate rows will not be restored to table
8236 Cross Platform Migration is currently not supported.
8257 Improperly formatted directed request.
8501 LOB end of data encountered.
8503 Invalid LOB ID
8522 LOT could not allocate a PDE mailbox
8541 LOT send was passed conflicting values in the descriptor
8543 LOT got an unexpected return code discarding a scratch segment
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